Kumkum Bhagya 10th December 2021 Written Update Shocking arrest

- Top Ranked - December 12, 2021
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Kumkum Bhagya tenth December 2021 Written Update Shocking arrest Prachi accuses Pallavi for assisting Rhea in making the faux divorce papers. She asks the Inspector to test Rhea’s hand, it has the ink stains on it, Rhea has signed the papers and carried out the thumb impressions too. She tells that Rhea is fooling the law. She tells Ranbir that she didn’t signal any divorce papers, and now she is proved it. She tells that she won’t get arrested, Rhea gets arrested, due to the fact the latter has accomplished a fraud. She tells that the divorce papers are faux.

Ranbir is taken aback to recognise what Rhea has accomplished. Pallavi attempts to store Rhea a few how. Prachi tells that even Pallavi gets jailed if she helps Rhea. She signals that Rhea can ship Pallavi to prison to make her punishment lesser. She requests Pallavi to live out of it. She asks the inspector to arrest Rhea, she has accomplished a faux marriage, and now she have to see her actual Sasural, that’s the prison. Rhea angrily assaults Prachi. Prachi shoves her away. Rhea receives falling. Pallavi holds Rhea and feels sorry for her. Rhea loses her temper.

Prachi and Rhea’s large drama is going for an extended time. Prachi asks the inspector to take Rhea away. The police catches Rhea and drags her out of the residence. Rhea requests Ranbir and Pallavi to store her. She doesn’t need to get jailed. Prachi pities Rhea and asks the Inspector to go away Rhea free. She tells that she can be able to hold Rhea in her residence and train her a lesson, she can be able to punish her sister and convey her to the proper path.

Prachi saves Rhea from the arrest. Rhea isn’t grateful to Prachi. She desires to make Prachi’s existence hell. Prachi isn’t a susceptible man or woman this time. She is decided to combat Rhea and defeat her. After all of the dragging drama, the final results is nothing, however simply own circle of relatives politics again. Rhea and Prachi’s homely sport plans to outdo every different could be seen. Do you suspect Prachi made a mistake via way of means of maintaining Rhea domestic again? What could Rhea do now to interrupt Ranbir and Prachi’s marriage? Keep reading.

Kumkum Bhagya tenth December 2021 Written Update Shocking arrest:

Prachi questions Ranbir why is he angry, that she signed the paper or on understanding that the signatures are faux. She tells that the courtroom docket didn’t byskip the orders. Inspector tells them that the divorce won’t be accepted, Prachi continues to be Ranbir’s spouse. She provides that she didn’t come to show whatever, she has come to take her rights again withinside the residence. She tells that she can be able to now no longer depart from Kohli residence, she can be able to restore the incorrect that passed off together along with her. She asks who has solid the signatures, she has to discover who wishes Ranbir and her marriage to end. Rhea tells that there may be no one to forge the signatures.

Prachi tells that she didn’t take everybody’s call, however Rhea has come in advance to lie. Rhea tells that courtroom docket will byskip the orders. She lies that Prachi has herself signed the papers. Prachi catches her hand to reveal the ink stains to everybody. Ranbir stands as a dumb idiot and watches the drama whilst Prachi exposes Rhea’s circulate. Prachi tells that Rhea is doing a fraud, its a prison crime to forge someone’s signatures in particular at the divorce papers. The NGO women scold Rhea for this large fraud. They ask Inspector to arrest Rhea.

Pallavi stops the police. Prachi threatens Pallavi approximately Rhea’s crimes. She tells that Rhea can store herself via way of means of placing the complete blame on her. She provides that Rhea may be very gifted and may body everybody to store herself. She makes Pallavi tensed. Prachi tells that Rhea can ship Pallavi to the prison. She asks Pallavi to live out of her matter. Dida smiles looking Prachi’s bold drama. Prachi asks Inspector to take Rhea to her actual Sasural. Rhea assaults Prachi, who pushes her away. Pallavi saves Rhea.

Prachi tells that she can be able to now no longer tolerate whatever now. She asks Rhea now no longer to pressure her to move her limits. She tells that she can be able to punish everybody who did against the law. Dida loves to see Rhea and Pallavi speechless. Inspector arrests Rhea, who panics and apologizes to store herself. She tells Prachi that she frequently misbehaves, however she continues to be her more youthful sister. Prachi tells that Rhea speedy adjustments her colours. She isn’t the vintage Prachi to forgive her. Rhea asks Ranbir to store her. Pallavi asks Prachi to consider her sister once. Vikram and Pallavi request Prachi to permit Rhea free.

He tells that Prachi can train a lesson to Rhea in a few different manner as well. Rhea cries a lot. Prachi stops the police. He withdraws the criticism towards Rhea. She tells the Inspector that she can be able to punish Rhea via way of means of maintaining her domestic. She is assured that she will be able to take care of her sister’s madness. Inspector tells that Kohlis could have were given punished if Rhea went to the prison. He helps Prachi. Prachi regrets that her own circle of relatives doesn’t love her. She tells him that she can be able to combat to win her own circle of relatives again. She desires to live withinside the Kohli residence. Inspector warns the Kohlis towards hurting Prachi and ousting her.

He tells that Prachi will live withinside the residence together along with her rights. NGO girl asks Prachi to name her if everybody problems her. She tells that she can be able to compel Kohlis to present away 1/2 of their assets to Prachi in the event that they dare harm Prachi in any manner. Ranbir asks her what can he do, if he doesn’t need to live with Prachi. The girl asks him to use for divorce and observe the prison procedure, with out dishonest Prachi. She tells that they are able to get separated, however now no longer via way of means of making faux papers. Prachi thank you the NGO women. The girl says they’ll go to quickly to peer if Prachi is okay.

After the NGO women depart, Prachi asks the servant to get her baggage to Ranbir’s room. She thinks she simply desired Ranbir’s love, however she simply were given cheated in return. She desires to win the war of her rights. Prachi enters his room and unearths it decorated. She recalls their moments. She doesn’t need him to sleep in peace after ruining her existence. Ranbir apologizes to the visitors for the horrific experience. Shaina asks Rhea if she have to depart. Rhea asks her to return back together along with her. Ranbir asks Shaina to wait, he has to speak to Rhea first. He questions Rhea, Vikram and Pallavi approximately the faux divorce papers.

Rhea asks what does he need to ask. Pallavi helps Rhea. She tells that Prachi has created a massive drama withinside the residence. She asks him to spare Rhea, and ask the whole lot to them. Ranbir shouts and asks her the purpose approximately the divorce lie. He tells that he didn’t recognise the truth. Pallavi asks him if he’s blaming her for the lie. Ranbir tells that she has lied that he signed the divorce papers. Rhea asks him to relax and speak later. Ranbir asks Rhea approximately the ink stains on her thumb. He tells that Prachi had stained her call forever, that she solid Prachi’s signatures.

He tells that its a disgusting issue that Rhea and Pallavi did, its against the law to forge someone’s signatures. He argues with Rhea and Pallavi. Rhea tells that she is absolutely worn-out explaining him. She tells Ranbir that she has usually cherished him, she changed into helpless to live with Siddharth. She feels he’s his spouse now. Ranbir tells that their marriage isn’t prison. Vikram and Pallavi need Ranbir to just accept Rhea as his spouse, even though the wedding isn’t always valid. Ranbir tells that he changed into wrong, Prachi didn’t circulate on with Siddharth, Prachi continues to be considering their marriage. He defends Prachi and receives reprimanded via way of means of Pallavi. Keep reading.

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